Monday, December 21, 2009

EMINEM-- "Relapse: Refill" (Rating 2/5)



EMINEM is one of the most skillful rappers of our time. I won't deny him that...but after listening to "Relapse" when it was first released earlier this year, I was slightly disappointed. I realize that after all this time, it's going to be rather difficult to change EMINEM's persona...and "lyrical genius". I ended up giving "Relapse: Refill" a rating of 5/5 when I started writing this review...but after a long, intense debate with my Babyboi, I caught myself up in a valid point which, in turn, has brought the rating down...forcing me to write a completely different review from what I originally had.

EMINEM stated that he was going to re-release "Relapse" with the extra tracks because some of the music he was recording for his future "Relapse 2" album ended up taking a different direction. Don't really know what's the difference because with EMIMEN, he doesn't leave much to the imagination. Every album he's put out there has been filled with lyrics of murder, rape, sadism, homophobia, and a whole lot more. So is it really gonna be a surprise when we hear this new upcoming album? Probably not...and that's evident HERE on "Relapse: Refill". EMINEM includes the single "Forever", which we already know features Drake, Kanye West, and Lil' Wayne. The other extra tracks like "Hell Breaks Loose" featuring Dr. Dre, "Buffalo Bill", and "Taking My Ball" are as disturbingly full of offensive jokes as previous songs that have made his famous like "My Name Is" and "The Real Slim Shady". But as you proceed through songs like "Drop the Bomb On 'Em" and the DELUXE EDITION BONUS TRACK "Careful What You Wish For", EMINEM shows you a vulnerable side that we all know is there...he just isn't man enough to admit it. Dr. Dre is at the forefront of production, as always, bringing some of the most innovative sounds of today...but EMINEM continues on with his bold ways on the track called "Elevators", where he calls Adam Lambert, Clay Aiken, and another "fake its". Really? It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he's trying to say...Adam Lambert picked up the connotation...he really doesn't care what EMINEM says.

And why should we? EMINEM has been named "The #1 Artist of the Decade" by Billboard...and that is justifiably so...I won't negate him his talent. But for the man who is well on the way to turning forty...shouldn't he switch up his style and get off the ignorant bullshit? I would love it if EMINEM could rap about something important instead of the same garbage over and over again. Then again, that won't happen...unless Hell freezes over. I've always made mention about rappers who have a "masculinity issue", i.e. 50 Cent and others. Well, bring EMINEM to the top of that list. We know that he has a soft side...that's been noticed on songs he's dedicated to his daughter and others like "Beautiful" and "Sing For the Moment". Why can't he embrace that side? And another thing...the whole homophobia syndrome has been proven countless times to mean one thing...maybe you're gay your damn self and you don't have the balls to be true to yourself. Either way, EMINEM will probably sell another ridiculous amount of albums with the next couple releases he has lined up...

I guess that really shows how full of disturbed people this planet really is.

Extra Tracks that I Somewhat Enjoyed from the Album:
• Forever featuring Drake, Lil' Wayne, and Kanye West
• Hell Breaks Loose featuring Dr. Dre
• My Darling

From EMINEM's new album "Relapse: Refill", here's "Taking My Ball..."

From the same album, here's "Careful What You Wish For..."

(Deluxe Edition/iTunes Store)
• My Darling
• Careful What You Wish For

*NOTE--Before the making of this review, it was announced that both USHER's "Raymond vs. Raymond" and LIL' WAYNE's "Rebirth" were pushed back into the early months of 2010.

KE$HA-- "Animal"

Yes...BABYBOICAMPBELLS REVIEW will be taking a brief hiatus from music reviews until next year...but we'll be back...and better than before. And we'll start off with KE$HA's upcoming debut album which contains the major hit "Tik Tok". Catch us next year on JANUARY 5th, 2010!

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III

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