Tuesday, August 10, 2010

MIKE POSNER-- "31 Minutes to Takeoff" (RATING 5/5)




All of us can admit when we're being "assholes", but only the best of us can admit to it with such swagger and nonchalance. And as MIKE POSNER expresses that he's one after all, it only makes me look up to him as an inspiration. He has a cynical attitude about his demeanor that is highly entertaining...and at the same time, oddly enticing in a way it shouldn't be. It kind of makes me wonder why he didn't break into the industry sooner...

...but we gotta wait for the best in life, right? Well, WELCOME MIKE POSNER and his debut album 31 Minutes to Takeoff. Born in Detroit, the son of a pharmacist and attorney has come a long way from making mixtapes in his Duke University dorm room. His current single Cooler Than Me has peaked at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100. I'm almost certain he will have a high debut with this album because of its solidity, interesting sounds, and blunt lyrics that'll speak very highly to anyone who gets a thrill out of being brutally honest to those they come in contact with. It's really all about experiences...whether it be love, infidelity, or pain in life, MIKE POSNER tackles each subject with an air of certainty and confidence that is altogether comical and seductive.

His voice doesn't match anyone else's in the industry right now. For those who'd like to compare him to Justin Timberlake automatically because of gender and race, you are sadly mistaken. While Timberlake's been able to dazzle us with falsettos at a young age, POSNER does the same...but with a spirit that really draws you in to take a closer listen to what he's saying. Songs like Gone In September, Cheated, and Save Your Goodbye may seem a little harsh...but POSNER only speaks the truth in a bold matter that most are afraid to grow accustomed to. His music isn't all about making someone feel worthless, though. Delta 1406 is definitely one of the deeper tracks on the album as he talks about certain aspects in his life, including family. What's of interest to me is that MIKE POSNER dabbled in some of the writing AND production for his album. Now THAT'S a true artist! Every time I write a review, I notice more and more how singers have others do the work for them...not him. He's bringing something new to the forefront and he definitely needs to be recognizde for the awesome work he's done in the past several months.

Critics are already giving this album mixed reviews...calling it "bland" and "unfavorable". I give it a full-score rating. I listen to music on an everyday basis...I listen to music spanning several decades and I can see how the industry's performers are deteriorating slowly in their talent. MIKE POSNER is fresh, in your face, and talented...not only that, he is fully capable of reaching a great status in his career if he's given the chance to prove that he's good at what he does. I definitely recommend this album...and I will consider it at the end of the year when I put together my FAVORITE ALBUMS of 2010 list.

Songs I Truly Enjoyed from 31 Minutes to Takeoff:
• Please Don't Go
• Bow Chicka Wow Wow
• Cooler Than Me (Single Mix)
• Cheated
• Save Your Goodbye
• Synthesizer

From MIKE POSNER's debut album "31 Minutes to Takeoff", here's the song "Deja Vu" featuring Boyz II Men...

From the same album, here's "Falling..."

Cooler Than Me
From the album 31 Minutes to Takeoff

We love our R&B...so it's only fitting that next week's review will be centered around TWO artists who are releasing material in that genre. Kem's INTIMACY is going head-to-head with brand new artist Dondria's debut entitled DONDRIA vs. PHATFFFAT. Come back next week TUESDAY, AUGUST 17th for the latest reviews and more from the BABYBOICAMPBELLS REVIEW!

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III

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