Wednesday, August 18, 2010

KEM-- "Intimacy: Album III" (RATING 2/5)



If last week offered us a new sound that was fresh and unexpected, then it's no surprise that this week brings us music with no character or personality...much like the artists behind the albums. Adult Contemporary R&B is something I've enjoyed for many years of my life. The "grown and sexy" melodies and lyrics found in this genres are the only ones that really call my attention in an industry filled with superficiality and repetitiveness. But nowhere was it written that Adult Contemporary R&B had to be full of snores and disbelief.

I haven't been all too familiar with KEM and his previous albums, which is the reason why I decided to give Intimacy: Album III a try. While the album starts off strong with tracks like When I'm Loving You and Can You Feel It?, by the third track I began to fall asleep. Songs like Love Never Fails and Human Touch have the ability to make me understand the meaning behind them...but it's pretty easily interpretable. THIS means that all the critics who claimed KEM did something spectacular with his lyrics obviously were afraid of embarrassing himself by telling the truth. This artist does not win an award for ground-breaking song-writing on ANY of the tracks offered on this album...he leaves a lot to be desired, really. For an album called Intimacy, for an album whose tracks reach the six-minute mark, you'd think he went out of his way to captivate you for the 45-minute duration of the album. I'm sorry to say that I regret listening to this album...the production is just about as plain as KEM's attempt at "pleasing the ladies" or his paper-thin vocals that are as weak as most of the material on his third attempt.

So what I have learned? Boisterousness doesn't appeal to people like me after awhile. Lady Gaga is a prime example of this; do you think I really care too much about her sophomore album? No...because after over ten songs released and/or played in some format from her debut (and later released Monster EP), I feel as though she has a lot to prove her second time around if she wants to keep MY focus on her. Being flamboyant will never rock my boat...but if you're too tamed and laidback with your music, you will lose me as part of your audience even quicker. Artists have to find a median between the over-extravagance and the lame if they want to make it far nowadays. Lyrics have to be more heartfelt, more deeper than they are already. Production doesn't have to be hyperactive to prove your presence but at least do something to keep people from falling asleep ten seconds after your album starts. And singing ability...YOUR VOCALS, for crying out loud...should actually be existent if you plan on turning heads. Too bad for KEM...he just lost my interest in anything he does from this moment on. Maybe his Adult Contemporary R&B is suitable for a septuagenarian...but for someone who knows the true meaning of "grown and sexy", I plan on spending my money on someone who is actually worth it.

Songs that were MINUTELY ENJOYABLE from Intimacy: Album III:
• Human Touch
• If It's Love featuring Maurissa Rose

(At the time this review was published, no music clips were available for listening...)

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III

DONDRIA-- "Dondria vs. Phatfffat" (RATING 2/5)



As I continue on with my rampage about uninspiring artists, DONDRIA only solidifies my belief that the industry is either desperate to sign random people just to make a quick dollar...or executives might actually be about as foolish as the idea that crossed their minds giving them the illusion they were doing something intelligent. Jermaine Dupri discovered DONDRIA through YouTube a few years ago. Her debut album was delayed for almost two years and now it finally gets to see the light...but I really wish it would've been kept in the dark....

If KEM failed at being "grown and sexy", DONDRIA and her ridiculous nickname TRY too hard to be "grown and sexy". THAT's evident on the track Making Love. She could be an "old-soul" at heart, but nowadays, no 23-year-old is gonna know what it is to "make love" to another human being. Maybe she does, I don't know...but I base my assumption on the fact that the rest of this album caters to the young crowd...the teenage crowd. That's how immature her music sounds to me. And Jermaine Dupri always seems to be a hit-or-miss with production. It seems as if he picks and chooses who he wants to give the better music to, while the rest get some recycle garbage that isn't appealing to anyone. His Jeep Mix for the lead single You're the One (released back in November of '09, mind you) features a sample from the 1976 Bootsy Collins' hit entitled I'd Rather Be With You. However, it's very unfortunate that JD did not have anything better to do with said sample except screw it up completely...and the 50 Cent sample on No More was totally unnecessary.

DONDRIA is an artist who needs better guidance. I could tell she's talented...she does possess a beautiful singing voice, but what turned me off about this album was the production. Yet again, I found myself being very dissatisfied with what was being offered. It's too juvenile for me...and what I thought was a throwback to 90s-style R&B was just a glitch in my hearing because NOTHING on DONDRIA's debut album conjures up the talent of her predecessors. I think she needs to re-evaluate the people she collaborates with in the future because she will need to re-invent herself after the flop of an album that took so long to become available.

Songs only SLIGHTLY ENJOYED from Dondria vs. Phatfffat:
• You're the One
• Shawty Was Up featuring Johnta Austin and Diamond
• Believer
• Kissed By the Sun

From DONDRIA's debut album "Dondria vs. Phatfffat", here's the song "Saving Myself..."

From the same album, here's the song "Where Did We Go Wrong...?"

DONDRIA featuring Johnta Austin and Diamond
Shawty Was Up
From the Dondria vs. Phatfffat album

Maybe we'll have some better luck at receiving BETTER music NEXT WEEK now that established artists like KATY PERRY, FANTASIA, USHER, and DON OMAR are set to release fresh material. Check back next week for the reviews on these albums and a whole lot more from the BABYBOICAMPBELLS REVIEW!

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

MIKE POSNER-- "31 Minutes to Takeoff" (RATING 5/5)




All of us can admit when we're being "assholes", but only the best of us can admit to it with such swagger and nonchalance. And as MIKE POSNER expresses that he's one after all, it only makes me look up to him as an inspiration. He has a cynical attitude about his demeanor that is highly entertaining...and at the same time, oddly enticing in a way it shouldn't be. It kind of makes me wonder why he didn't break into the industry sooner...

...but we gotta wait for the best in life, right? Well, WELCOME MIKE POSNER and his debut album 31 Minutes to Takeoff. Born in Detroit, the son of a pharmacist and attorney has come a long way from making mixtapes in his Duke University dorm room. His current single Cooler Than Me has peaked at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100. I'm almost certain he will have a high debut with this album because of its solidity, interesting sounds, and blunt lyrics that'll speak very highly to anyone who gets a thrill out of being brutally honest to those they come in contact with. It's really all about experiences...whether it be love, infidelity, or pain in life, MIKE POSNER tackles each subject with an air of certainty and confidence that is altogether comical and seductive.

His voice doesn't match anyone else's in the industry right now. For those who'd like to compare him to Justin Timberlake automatically because of gender and race, you are sadly mistaken. While Timberlake's been able to dazzle us with falsettos at a young age, POSNER does the same...but with a spirit that really draws you in to take a closer listen to what he's saying. Songs like Gone In September, Cheated, and Save Your Goodbye may seem a little harsh...but POSNER only speaks the truth in a bold matter that most are afraid to grow accustomed to. His music isn't all about making someone feel worthless, though. Delta 1406 is definitely one of the deeper tracks on the album as he talks about certain aspects in his life, including family. What's of interest to me is that MIKE POSNER dabbled in some of the writing AND production for his album. Now THAT'S a true artist! Every time I write a review, I notice more and more how singers have others do the work for them...not him. He's bringing something new to the forefront and he definitely needs to be recognizde for the awesome work he's done in the past several months.

Critics are already giving this album mixed reviews...calling it "bland" and "unfavorable". I give it a full-score rating. I listen to music on an everyday basis...I listen to music spanning several decades and I can see how the industry's performers are deteriorating slowly in their talent. MIKE POSNER is fresh, in your face, and talented...not only that, he is fully capable of reaching a great status in his career if he's given the chance to prove that he's good at what he does. I definitely recommend this album...and I will consider it at the end of the year when I put together my FAVORITE ALBUMS of 2010 list.

Songs I Truly Enjoyed from 31 Minutes to Takeoff:
• Please Don't Go
• Bow Chicka Wow Wow
• Cooler Than Me (Single Mix)
• Cheated
• Save Your Goodbye
• Synthesizer

From MIKE POSNER's debut album "31 Minutes to Takeoff", here's the song "Deja Vu" featuring Boyz II Men...

From the same album, here's "Falling..."

Cooler Than Me
From the album 31 Minutes to Takeoff

We love our R& it's only fitting that next week's review will be centered around TWO artists who are releasing material in that genre. Kem's INTIMACY is going head-to-head with brand new artist Dondria's debut entitled DONDRIA vs. PHATFFFAT. Come back next week TUESDAY, AUGUST 17th for the latest reviews and more from the BABYBOICAMPBELLS REVIEW!

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

JLS' Self-Titled U.S. EP Debut (RATING 1/5)











(This week's FAILURES)

Does anyone remember the British boy band group 5IVE from back in the day? In the late 90s, these young men hit mainstream success with their huge singles When the Lights Go Out and It's the Things You Do. They went on to release two more albums only to disappear from sight, not only in the U.S., but overseas, as well. They were in direct competition with artists like the BACKSTREET BOYS and *NSYNC, who were already holding the world in their grip with their amazing feat of selling a million albums in first week sales alone...

Now here comes JLS...another boy band Britain...who might not gain the same stardom that have achieved in their homeland. As a matter of fact, in Britain alone their debut album has gone four-times platinum. In Ireland, it has reached two-times platinum. Now they decide to tackle on America with a six-track EP that contains their first three singles overseas, a BRAND NEW single, and two other tracks from the debut album. I'm not really feeling the material at all...the only songs that have gained my interest were the two singles Everybody In Love and One Shot. Everything else sounds WAY TOO DATED and I'm all too certain of there being no niche that JLS can fall into to set them apart from what's already been done. Their image is the point where I have to wonder about their personal preference. The borderline homo-eroticism in the group hinders me from actually taking their songs seriously because I'm not exactly sure if they're singing to women or men...may be completely crass to say this but I call it like I see it.

The current single The Club Is Alive is #1 overseas...but really, the track is horrible! I'm not sure who gave them permission to actually record this song...I just really wish they wouldn't have. The melody is me, it sounds like some random song I use to sing when I was in kindergarten. But this is what the Brits call talent, right? Well, they could keep JLS...they won't go far here in America unless they get amazing production and better song-writing credits. (Side note...a good portion of the album was written by members of the group...this does not help their cause in any way whatsoever.) Again, catering to a teenage-girl audience will help them greatly because they don't know better. They see pictures of washboard abs and perfectly tanned skin and vaginas start to leak almost immediately making it difficult for them to realize that the music is actually a piece of shit! (By the way, it's called me, they're not that hot!) For people who love REAL music, take a listen to this if you want a good laugh...those who are deaf, take a listen and be glad you can't hear what's going on. Either way, JLS failed to impress me with their work...therefore they are latest FAILURES to come out of this review. Sorry Britain...send us over Alexandra Burke before giving us the runners-up from least this girl knows how to sing. So much for having a boy band group who doesn't have a decent harmony in place!

From JLS' self-titled U.S. EP debut, here's the song "Everybody In Love..."

From the same album, here's "One Shot..."

The Club Is Alive
From JLS' self-titled U.S. EP debut

BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST MIKE POSNER is set to release his debut album 31 MINUTES to TAKEOFF next TUESDAY, AUGUST 10th! Make sure to check back here for the BABYBOICAMPBELLS REVIEW's take on his project!

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III