Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BRIAN McKNIGHT-- "Evolution of a Man" (Rating 3/5)



"No Different..."
There comes a time in every music artist's career where they have to make a decision. Whether it's someone working on a sophomore album or someone working on their twentieth studio effort, careful consideration has to be given as to what direction wants to be taken next. In the case of artists who have been around for a long time, it can become difficult. Some may have the formula down perfectly, leaving them with an outstanding album that nobody knew was coming. Others fail slightly at re-inventing themselves by releasing something that's similar or exactly like everything else in their repertoire.

When it comes to BRIAN McKNIGHT, he shows us that his music is no different from anything else we've heard from him. For someone who has released so many albums already, I found myself surprised to know that he was releasing "Evolution of a Man", especially since I hadn't heard anything about it. Either I have to pay more attention...but I truly believe it has to do with the fact that McKNIGHT's recent releases haven't been anything groundbreaking. It was easy to get wrapped up in the 90s during the phenomenon that were the singles "Anytime" and "Back At One"...but in the same token, it was easy to get fed up of hearing the song overplayed countless times in different formats. I was never truly able to become a fan of McKNIGHT because there was never any consistent variety in his music. And to be quite honest, I thought he might've taken a leave of absence indefinitely in order to truly focus on what he should be doing in music.

Another reason why McKNIGHT might've slipped off the radar for most is because "Evolution of a Man" was pushed back a couple of times. After having had an original release date of September 29th, the album's tracklist experienced several facelifts before being finalizing on the one that is available. When it comes to what this album reflects...it's unoriginality. I'm not saying that's a bad thing...it's just that after so long, I expected major growth...and that's not present in this album.

McKNIGHT has always had a knack for creating love songs and smooth R&B joints...that is his signature (which is fine)...and you'll find a lot of that on this album. Songs like "Justalittlebit", "Neversaygoodbye", and "Another You" really captivate that classic sound we've all come to love about McKNIGHT. Is it enough to make me say "WOW!"? Not really. I will pay major tribute to the two highlights on this album ("I Betchaneva" and "Next 2 U"). These songs are a true departure for McKNIGHT. These cuts are sexy, fresh, inviting...and altogether, completely pleasurable. In my opinion, either one of these songs could be released to radio and they'll go on to have better airplay than the current lead single "Whati'vebeenwaiting4", which is currently sitting at #33 on the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart after two months of being out there.

Overall, this album is just average. With a title like "Evolution...", I expected something grand...a change unlike any other. Instead, McKNIGHT keeps it true to form...and I'm not sure that's gonna be enough to elevate him to the height he used to be at.

Songs that I Somewhat Enjoyed From the Album:
• Just a Little Bit
• What I've Been Waiting For
• Never Say Goodbye
• I Miss U
• Always Be My Baby
• Baby It's U
• While
• Another You

From BRIAN McKNIGHT's new album "Evolution of a Man", here's "Ibetchaneva..." (Song is 4:21, not 6:28)

From the same album, here's "Next 2 U..." (Song is 4:32, not 7:56)

From the 1997 album "Anytime"
Directed by Darren Grant

Written by Felix-Lee "Campbells" Andrades, III

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